

Can be home to both users and characters.

The 'heart' of the region, a massive city on the pinnacle of technology advancement.


Typings Present

Wild Pokemon Types that can be Caught




Name: Grovehart
Population: Estimated 8.5 million
City Themes: Green- Academic- Liuzhou Forest City

Local Climate: Grovehart, being somewhat in the middle of the region, seems to have a perfect balance when it comes to temperature.
It's not too hot or too cold, it always seems to be just right. They tend to get a lot of rainy days as clouds blow in from Rivertide but it is praised as it waters the mass of plants in and around the city.

Local Fauna: Grovehart is crammed with natural and planted fauna, trees hang wherever a tree can be planted and vines are encouraged up the side of buildings.
Most people in Grovehart live there because they love the aesthetic and add to it happily. All sorts of plants grow pretty well but most commonly bushy types and vines.

Culture: Grovehart is a very friendly and academic city and its culture represents that. Being loosely based on China and their family-driven culture in which one holds their parents and ancestry closely. 
Architecture Inspired by the concept of Liuzhou Forest City which is currently in development in china. All images of large white buildings with draping foliage are from Liuzhou’s concepts.
While most of the buildings in Grovehart will follow this style of large white buildings adorned with greenery they do
still hold traditional architecture in high regard as a respectful symbol of their ancestry- often adorned with lanterns and beautiful cybernetic trees in permanent bloom.

History: Grovehart was founded by the King, a city at the center of the region in its heart.
When he passed his oldest child inherited the throne and remained strong in his father's ways, he would go forth with compassion and wisdom.
Arceus blessed this child with Guardian Rayquaza and the two of them created a city that would last in its ways for centuries.
Those teachings still remain strong to this day- to hold one's family close and to follow in pursuit of wisdom.
While there are Universities in every city it's Grovehart which has the leading and most expensive ones with a wide range of topics but mostly centered around technology advancements and Cybernetics.
A lot of the region's exports of tech come from Grovehart and they try to house those left on the streets from the fog regardless of where they came from.

Grovehart has a high authority presence and crime is little to none outside of influence from other cities' residents taking refuge.
There is one area in Grovehart that is a little lax on restrictions and is referred to as the ‘Sakura District’ which is a strip made famous by its large holographic cherry blossom trees.
If you’re looking for anything ‘illegal’ in Grovehart you’d find it in the Sakura District. Police do still patrol around the area keeping crime minimal but they can’t see everywhere.
This district really bloomed when outside residents came in trying to make quick money.

Grovehart is the location of Ethos’ main base. It is hidden from the public eye underground in a location unknown to anyone who isn’t Ethos.

History Since Outbreak: Since the outbreak, Grovehart became a big hub of scientific exploration.
Many scholars want to be the one with the best idea on how to help people with newly fused lives and write papers on their theories and findings.
With Grovehart’s many mechanical academies pioneering some of the region's newest tech- it’s been busy.

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Associated Events

Story Events: Disconnected, Invasion of Nothing, and Changing Seasons, Rising Tides

Associated Faction

Organization: Ethos