
Clone Markings

Category: Attribute Nera

Clone markings

Clone Markings resemble those shown in the film- Pokemon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back. They can be present as spots and stripes that have irregular 'torn' edges and a coloured outline.
They can cover 70% of the body and appear anywhere. Can be any colour but cannot mimic shiny.


Category: Attribute Nera


Seasonal allows for quite a drastic change to the colour palate. Similar to how some animals have different coats for summer and winter, this ANera allows a Trainer or Pokemon to have a shifting colour scheme. This ANera will change attributes that are already there but will NOT add more that don't already exist. This means that It can change horns into seasonal blooming antlers but it cannot create horns from nothing. The palettes provided on the Pokemon example are for reference and do not need to be colour-picked. Colours must not mimic Shiny.


Category: Attribute Nera


Clouded allows for Pokemon or Trainers to have swirls of mist around their bodies. These swirls can be stylized and any colour but they cannot resemble G-MAX clouds.


Category: Attribute Nera


Rayze is a marking gifted by Rayquaza himself. Rayze can contain any marking or rendition of marking that are present on normal, mega and RR variant Rayquaza.
This marking can appear in any colour, it does not need to stay Rayquaza-coloured.
At most, the solid portions of Rayze can cover 50% of the body!


Category: Attribute Nera


Seabeam is a blessing granted by the Guardian Kyogre, and is able to be fused onto a pokemon or a trainer provided they have a remaining fusion slot available out of their 3 maximum. 


Must be red and blue in color, aside from the minimal accents which can mimic primal markings.
Can cover 50% of the body!



Category: Attribute Nera


Opal s a blessing granted by the Guardian Groudon and is able to be fused onto a pokemon or a trainer provided they have a remaining fusion slot available out of their 2 maximum. 


Must be shades of blue, pink, and purple. It can have a splotchy texture or be smooth. Can show 'stars' but cannot have cloud-like markings.
Areas affected will have a smooth glass-like feel to them. This cannot be transparent to show 'bones'. 
Can cover 50% of the body!


Category: Attribute Nera


The Lumina Phenomenon causes Pokemon to literally glow and have markings related to their personality or element span their bodies. These markings can be ANY color and shape but will always appear as lines.
This Attribute Nera causes a permanent glow effect on its host, this is not strong enough to be a proper light source in a dark room but it will ensure everyone will always see you even if you can't see them.
This Attribute can affect both People and Pokemon.

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