[Event] TOTS: Starting Out

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[Event] TOTS: Starting Out
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In Tempest of the Sands ・ By Faekier

It's time! Your trainer decides to make the journey to Thunderdale for one reason or another. Two options present themselves initially: Take the Bullet train, which you are warned has a high cynic presence, or brave the ever-present sandstorm above ground which comes with it's own set of dangers. Draw or write about your trainer's decision, how they make it, and how they begin their journey from Ethermoor.


Arlo decided to choose the bullet train despite the high risk, concealing their technology to the best of their ability and playing it low. They didn't want to draw any unwanted attention but the wandering eyes would cause their skin to crawl.

Submitted By Faekier for Starting OutLocation: Ethermoor
Submitted: 1 year and 6 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 6 months ago

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